Friday, 6 February 2015

Coroner - No More Color (1989)

God, this is hard to evaluate. I really do feel perplexed whenever I am forced to give an opinion on anything Coroner have done. I am much inclined to write exclusively in their favour, which is what I try to avoid most of the time but ending up largely unsuccessful at it. Seriously, I consider their creations as the epitomes of thrash, a benchmark to say the least and No More Color is the third to be released that has given weight to the conjecture.
So, what is there to comment on? I'd like to start of by saying that it is kind of similar but in a way also much different from the predecessor.
A nightmare to compare but what else is to be done when the bar has already been raised so high. It ended up being a far more riff based compulsion, with sick leads that cannot be affiliated with the word "flow".
I missed that in a way but if that would have been the main characteristic, there wouldn't have been the slightest difference between the albums. There is still a lot of variety present but not to the same extent as we're used to. Downsizing in that field resulted in an easier listen throughout the whole practically spotless album. Let's say that the observant tourguide had been replaced by his equally knowledgeable but slightly hectic twin brother who just wants to show you the cool sites and get it over with as quickly as possible. It's still the same tour(bus) that cost €16.99, but the atmosphere and the mood have changed. You be the judge of whether it was for better or for worse, I have already made up my mind but I'm not yet telling ...
Better to just take some time and appreciate both albums for what they truly are - masterpieces. Congratulations. Hands down for extracting the formula for success from Punishment for Decadence and extending the lifespan of the Coroner legacy.
I have no favourite track, feel free to pick one and give it a spin if you are not yet acquainted.

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